Distribution Specific Guides by Distribution: Sabayon

Sabayon: Converting to Hybrid Source/Binary Package Management System

Oct. 1, 2015, 9 p.m.

After using Sabayon 14.08 for several months, I became increasingly frustrated with the lack of software in Sabayon's repositories which I had become accustomed to being available in other distributions' default repositories. There wasn't even a method for building binary packages from third party or upstream source using a simple tool like rpmbuild for RPM based distributions for installation and management by the system package manager. This article describes one way to mitigate the lack …


Sabayon: Using Portage to Build a Binary Package for Installation by Entropy

Oct. 1, 2015, 9 p.m.

My biggest complaint with Sabayon after using the 14.08 release for more than three months was the lack of a way to get software that is not available in the Sabayon repositories for management by the Entropy binary package management system. There didn't appear to be an easy way to build binary packages from source or from a third party tarball as there is for RPM based distributions through the rpmbuild tool. As it turns …